Chatbots endpoint

The Chatbots endpoint lets you send an asynchronous query to an existing chatbot and retrieve the response.

  • curl examples reference the API_ROOT, API_TOKEN, and IB_CONTEXT values as variables. If you don’t set up these variables, define them in the request.
  • All endpoints support the IB-Context header. Organization members must set the IB-Context header as their organization ID to complete the request with their organization account. While optional, it’s a best practice to include the IB-Context header in all requests.
  • All endpoints use the standard HTTP response status codes. For each endpoint, some common status codes are listed.
The AI Hub Python SDK doesn’t yet support chatbot-related methods. However, the Making chatbot queries by API guide includes a complete Python script you can reference to integrate the ability to send chatbot queries into your workflow.

Create chatbot query (async)



Send an asynchronous query to a chatbot by making a POST request to API_ROOT/v2/queries. Each request returns a query_id that can be used to check the query’s status and get the response.

Request body

Parameters are required unless marked as optional.

querystringYour chatbot query.
Chatbot queries made by API are also visible in your query history when accessing the chatbot from the AI Hub user interface.
source_app/typestringThe app type.For chatbot queries, the app type is always CHATBOT.
source_app/uuidstringThe ID of the chatbot to query. You can query any AIHub chatbot to which you have access.A valid chatbot ID.
You can find a chatbot’s ID in its AI Hub URL, such as apps/788eba40-5a1f-45f4-ad56-57fb1abe62c7.
A chatbot’s ID changes with every version update. For convenience, when making a request to a given version of a chatbot, the query is always automatically directed to the latest version of the chatbot.
model_namestringOptional, defaults to multistep-lite. The model to use to answer the question. Supports the multistep model and research mode, a more powerful but slower variant of the multistep model that’s suited to complex reasoning queries. See Choosing a model for details.multistep-lite (multistep model), multistep (research mode)
include_source_infobooleanOptional, defaults to false. Set to true to return information about the source documents referenced when generating the query response.
The multistep model (model_name set to multistep-lite) supports document-level source information. Research mode (model_name set to multistep) supports page-level source information.

Response status

202Query request accepted. Check the query status to get completion status and query response.

Response schema

query_idstringThe ID of the query.


Request (curl)

$curl "${API_ROOT}/v2/queries" \
> -H "Authorization: Bearer ${API_TOKEN}" \
> -H "IB-Context: ${IB_CONTEXT}"\
> -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
> -d '{
> "query": "What are the steps to write effective prompts?",
> "model_name": "multistep-lite",
> "include_source_info": true,
> "source_app": [
> {
> "type": "CHATBOT",
> "uuid": "788eba40-5a1f-45f4-ad56-57fb1abe62c7"
> }
> ]
> }'


2 "query_id": "f2ef9702-b018-4a45-9b2e-d1fb575b42ed"

Get query status and response



Get the status of an asynchronous chatbot query by sending a GET request to API_ROOT/v2/queries/<QUERY-ID>. The query ID value is returned in the response of the create chatbot query request. If the query status is COMPLETE, this request also returns the query response.

Request body

There is no request body. Use the request URL to specify the query ID.

Response status

200 OKSuccessful request.

Response schema

The response body is a JSON object containing the query ID and status. If the query status is COMPLETE, the query response is also returned. If the query status is FAILED an error message is returned instead.

query_idstringThe ID of the query. This value is returned by a Create chatbot query (async) request.
statusstringStatus of the query. Possible values are RUNNING, COMPLETE, or FAILED.
resultsarrayThe query response. Returned only if the query status is COMPLETE.
results/responsestringThe response message generated by the chatbot.
results/source_documentsarrayReturned if include_source_info was set to true. Information about the source documents referenced when generating the query response.
results/source_documents/namestringThe name of the source document referenced.
results/source_documents/pagesarrayAn array of page objects with information about the specific pages referenced in the source document.
Page-level source information is supported only when using research mode.
results/source_documents/pages/page_numberfloatThe number of the page referenced in the source document.
results/source_documents/pages/bboxesstringBounding boxes for the text referenced on the page, if applicable.
errorobjectPresent only if the status is FAILED. Contains a message with information about the source of the execution error, such as "message": "Invalid query uuid passed".


Request (curl)

$curl "${API_ROOT}/v2/queries/<QUERY-ID>" \
> -H "Authorization: Bearer ${API_TOKEN}"\
> -H "IB-Context: ${IB_CONTEXT}"


2 "query_id": "f2ef9702-b018-4a45-9b2e-d1fb575b42ed",
3 "status": "COMPLETE",
4 "results": [
5 {
6 "response": "The email was sent on Monday, March 11, 2024",
7 "source_documents": [
8 {
9 "name": "testdoc.docx",
10 "pages": [
11 {
12 "page_number": 1.0,
13 "bboxes": []
14 }
15 ]
16 }
17 ]
18 }
19 ]
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