Job status endpoint (Deprecated)

The Get run status endpoint offers a simpler way to get the status of an app run. This page remains temporarily available for reference but isnโ€™t actively maintained.

Access app run job status by sending a GET request to URL_BASE/api/v1/jobs/status with the request body encoded as JSON.

Use the job status API endpoint to get the current status of an app run and information about the results when the job is done.


Request parameters

Parameters are required unless marked as optional.

job_idstringjob_id reported by the initial execution request.
typestringJob type of the job.For AI Hub use, always set to flow

The most commonly used type is flow.

Response schema

All keys are returned in the response by default, unless marked as optional.

statusStatus of request.OK, ERROR
msgJob status message.
job_idThe unique identifier for the job.
resultsJob results information. Present only if job is in a terminal state: PAUSED, COMPLETE, FAILED, CANCELLED, STOPPED_AT_CHECKPOINT
results/statusJob completion status.OK, ERROR
results/output_folderJob output folder. Present if status equals OK
results/msgJob error message. Present if status equals ERROR
cur_statusJob type specific JSON-encoded string containing current status of job.
cur_status/statusThe current state of the Flow job.RUNNING, PAUSED, COMPLETE, FAILED, CANCELLED, STOPPED_AT_CHECKPOINT
cur_status/finish_timestamp10-digit Unix timestamp of Flow end. This field isnโ€™t available for RUNNING flows.
cur_status/curProgressProgress of the job.[0-1]
cur_status/reviewerAssigned reviewer of job. Empty if none.Instabase username
cur_status/review_stateCurrent state of job in the review processNONE, IN REVIEW, COMPLETED, NOT_COMPLETED
cur_status/flow_job_metricsMetrics for the flow job
cur_status/flow_review_metricsMetrics for the flow review
cur_status/run_summary/recordsWithMsgThe number of records that failed jobs grouped by failure type.
cur_status/run_summary/numRecordsThe number of records processed.
cur_status/run_summary/numRuntimeErrorsThe number of execution errors.
cur_status/run_summary/numFilesThe number of files processed.
cur_status/finish_timestampFinish timestamp of the job.null if still running.
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