Archived pricing policy

In release 24.32, AI Hub made several changes related to pricing, model support and selection, and billing. For organization accounts, the changes to pricing and consumption rates are effective on the first billing cycle to begin after 24.32 is available. For community accounts, the changes to pricing and consumption rates are effective with the 24.32 release. See Pricing policy for the latest version of the pricing policy. This archived version of the pricing policy reflects the rate tables effective prior to release 24.32. This page is provided for reference while all organization accounts await their next billing cycle and the transition to updated rates.

1. Introduction

AI Hub is available in three tiers: a community offering available for general use, a commercial offering suitable for companies and organizations, and an enterprise offering for organizations with advanced needs.

This Unit Pricing Policy (“Policy”) sets forth the terms and conditions under which you may purchase and use consumption units (“Consumption Units” or “Units”) in AI Hub. Commercial and enterprise subscriptions are subject to additional terms as set forth in their respective order forms. For plan comparisons and pricing, see Instabase pricing.

By purchasing and using Consumption Units, you agree to be bound by this Policy and the AI Hub Terms of Use. If you’ve received free consumption credits as a result of any trial or promotion, by using the consumption units, you agree to be bound by this policy and the AI Hub Terms of Use.

2. Purchase and value of Consumption Units

You may purchase 100 Consumption Units per U.S. dollar, in increments of 100 Units.

3. Usage of Consumption Units

You may choose from available model options and utilize Consumption Units for specific services and apps available on AI Hub as follows:


# of PagesDefault ModelAdvanced ModelMultistep Model
1 to 2 Pages1 Unit/query4 Units/query8 Units/query
3 to 5 Pages3 Units/query12 Units/query24 Units/query
6 to 10 Pages5 Units/query20 Units/query40 Units/query
11 to 20 Pages7 Units/query28 Units/query56 Units/query
21 to 40 Pages12 Units/query48 Units/query96 Units/query
41-75 Pages15 Units/query60 Units/query120 Units/query
76-125 Pages22 Units/query88 Units/query176 Units/query
> 125 Pages25 Units/query100 Units/query200 Units/query

For example, if making a query in Converse to a 10-Page document:

  • If you choose the Default Model, you are charged 5 Units/query.

  • If you choose the Advanced Model, you are charged 20 Units/query.

  • If you choose the Multistep Model, you are charged 40 Units/query.

For queries to multiple documents, the pricing is based on the total number of pages for all documents in the prompt’s scope. Multiple document queries are supported only with the Multistep or Advanced models.

For example, for a multiple document query in Converse to three 30-Page documents (90 Pages in total):

  • If you choose the Advanced Model, you are charged 88 Units/query.

  • If you choose the Multistep Model, you are charged 176 Units/query.


Chatbots follow the same pricing table as Converse. A chatbot query represents a multiple document query to all files in the origin conversation in Converse. The pricing is based on the total number of pages of all documents in the origin conversation’s knowledge base.

Because chatbot queries involve multiple documents, only the Multistep model is supported.

For example, if making a query in a chatbot, and the chatbot’s origin conversation has a knowledge base of three 30-Page documents (90 Pages in total):

  • Using the Multistep Model, you are charged 176 Units/query.

Build and Build app runs

# of PagesDefault ModelAdvanced Model
1 to 2 Pages1 Unit/field4 Units/field
3 to 5 Pages3 Units/field12 Units/field
6 to 10 Pages5 Units/field20 Units/field
11 to 20 Pages7 Units/field28 Units/field
21 to 40 Pages12 Units/field48 Units/field
41-75 Pages15 Units/field60 Units/field
76-125 Pages22 Units/field88 Units/field
> 125 Pages25 Units/field100 Units/field

AI Hub uses a field rate to calculate Build and Build app run costs. The length of the document and the model used determine the field rate. The total cost depends on the number of fields in your schema.

  • Each field extracted from a document counts as one field in the schema. You can use field-level model selection to choose which model is used to extract a given field. Field rate varies between models.

  • If your Build project includes classification or split classification, classification is counted as one additional field in your schema. Classification is charged per document classified, at the Default Model field rate.

    You are not charged for classification when a document is classified as Other, instead of as one of your pre-defined classes.

For example, if you choose the Default Model to extract all fields in Build or when running a Build app:

  • For a 2-Page pay stub, you are charged 1 Unit/field for extracting fields such as net pay, pay period, employee name, etc.

    • With classification enabled, you are charged an additional 1 Unit. Classification of a document counts as one additional field, charged at the Default model field rate.

For example, if you choose the Advanced Model to extract all fields in Build or when running a Build app:

  • For an 8-Page letter of credit, you are charged 20 Units/field for extracting fields such as description of goods, port of loading, etc.

    • With classification enabled, you are charged an additional 5 Units. Classification of a document counts as one additional field, charged at the Default model field rate.

For example, if you use field-level model selection in Build or when running a Build app:

  • For a 15-Page document, you are charged 7 Units/field for fields extracted with the Default Model. You are charged 28 Units/field for fields extracted with the Advanced Model.

    • With classification enabled, you are charged an additional 7 Units. Classification of a document counts as one additional field, charged at the Default model field rate.

When using split classification with a multi-document packet, the field rate is based on the length of each document identified in the packet, not the total length of the document packet. This means when using split classification, you can expect the same pricing as if you sent in each document in the packet independently.

  • For example, for a 200-Page document packet comprising four 50-Page bank statements, the field rate is based on the 50-Page length of the individual documents in the packet. For each 50-Page document, you are charged:

    • 15 Units for classification.

    • 15 Units/field for fields extracted with the Default Model.

    • 60 Units/field for fields extracted with the Advanced Model.

Special apps

Some apps on AI Hub might also specify custom pricing per page processed or per document processed. If an app has a custom pricing model, it is specified clearly on the app page.

4. Page definition

  • For documents that support pages (PDF, Word, PPT, TIFF images, etc.), each page in the document counts as 1 Page.

  • For images (such as .png, .jpeg, and .bmp files), each image counts as 1 Page; multiple images embedded on a single page count as 1 Page.

  • For email (.eml) files, where there is no native concept of a “page”, Instabase uses “Logical Page Count”. When calculating Logical Page Count for email files, 1 Page is defined as up to 10,000 characters, including white spaces. For example, if an email contains 8,500 characters of extracted text and white spaces, the email counts as 1 Page.

    • If an email contains attachments, those attachment files are not automatically added to the project. You can add the attachment files separately, and they are billed according to their file type.

    • If an email contains inline images, and the images contain text, that text is extracted as part of the email. Text extracted from inline images contributes to character count when calculating Logical Page Count.

    • If an email is multi-threaded, meaning there is a chain of replies in the email, all characters across all threads in the email are included when calculating Logical Page Count.

  • For spreadsheet files, including .csv, .xls, and .xlsx files, where there is no native concept of a “page”, Instabase uses Logical Page Count. When calculating Logical Page Count for spreadsheet files, 1 Page is up to 1,000 cells, including white spaces.

    • When defining the number of cells in one tab of a spreadsheet, Instabase considers the area defined by the uppermost left-hand cell containing data and the lowermost right-hand cell containing data. The total number of cells within that area, including any white spaces within the area, is included when calculating Logical Page Count.

    • If a spreadsheet file contains multiple tabs, each tab of the spreadsheet that contains data is included when calculating Logical Page Count.

5. Consumption Unit details

Consumption Units provide a convenient way to track the amount of AI Hub Services you have purchased and consumed. All purchases of Consumption Units are final and non-refundable. Consumption Units are non-transferable and can be used only by the customer that purchased them for the use of AI Hub apps, including Converse, Build, and other prebuilt apps that will be released over time. The Units are of no direct monetary value and cannot be redeemed for cash or cash equivalents. Subject to your compliance with the Policy, you subscribe to the amount of AI Hub usage you purchase as Consumption Units for up to twelve (12) months from the date of purchase (“Subscription Period”). Subsequent purchases of additional Consumption Units do not roll over, change or otherwise extend the Subscription Period; each purchase maintains its own Subscription Period. You can track your Consumption Units and their corresponding Subscription Periods in your AI Hub account. Units are consumed from oldest to newest.

6. International customers

International customers may purchase and use Consumption Units in accordance with this Policy. Additional local laws and regulations, however, might apply to customers located outside the United States. International customers are responsible for complying with all applicable local laws and regulations, including any tax obligations, currency conversion rules, and consumer protection requirements.

7. Taxes

Unless otherwise specified, the Consumption Units pricing does not include federal, state, local, and foreign taxes, duties, and other similar assessments (“Taxes”). You are responsible for all Taxes associated with your purchase, excluding Taxes based on our net income. You agree to timely pay such Taxes as applicable.

8. Notice of changes to the policy

Instabase reserves the right to update or modify this Policy from time to time. Any changes to the Policy will be communicated to customers through the Instabase AI Hub platform and effective upon publication except for any price increase, which will be effective thirty (30) days after notice.

9. Governing law

This Policy will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California, without giving effect to any principles of conflict of laws. Any legal action or proceeding arising under or related to this Policy will be brought exclusively in the federal and state courts located in San Francisco, California and the parties irrevocably consent to personal jurisdiction and venue in such courts.

10. Contact information

If you have any questions or concerns about this Policy, please contact Instabase at:

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