Managing subscriptions and usage

You can manage your subscription plan and billing settings and track usage from the settings page. For organizations, the Subscription & Billing and Usage tabs are visible to admins only.

Enterprise organizations can connect with Instabase Support for all subscription and billing inquiries.

Starting subscriptions

AI Hub is available in three tiers: community, commercial, and enterprise. Community and commercial tier subscriptions are self-service, meaning you can initiate and manage trials and subscriptions yourself.

If you’re interested in the AI Hub Enterprise tier, contact Instabase for a demo.

Starting a community subscription

Getting started with AI Hub requires creating an AI Hub community account. Creating the account starts a free trial of an AI Hub Community subscription. Trials include $5 (USD) worth of usage (500 consumption units) so you can try out AI Hub capabilities. When you run out of included units, or after 92 days, your AI Hub Community trial ends. You must subscribe to an AI Hub plan to continue using your account.

If you start your subscription before using all units included in your trial, any unused units are forfeited. Trial units don’t carry over as a credit.
  1. In the header, click the initials icon and select Settings.

  2. Click the Subscription & Billing tab.

  3. On the Community plan card, click Subscribe.

  4. Fill in your payment information. This card is billed monthly for your usage.

  5. Click Subscribe.

Starting a commercial trial subscription


Any user with a community account who isn’t already a member of an organization can initiate a one-time free trial of an AI Hub Commercial subscription. The person who starts the trial becomes the organization admin and is responsible for managing the organization and trial.

AI Hub Commercial trials include all features available with a paid subscription. Your trial lasts 14 days and includes $75 (USD) worth of usage. Throughout the trial, you can monitor your usage.

During a commercial subscription trial, the content in your existing community account is kept separate from the content in your organization account. This means that:

  • Any content created in your organization, whether in your personal workspace or a shared workspace, can’t be migrated to your community account when your trial ends. However, if you continue your AI Hub Commercial subscription, all content created in the organization during the trial is preserved.

  • When your trial ends, you can continue to view existing data, such as conversation history or app run results in your organization. However, you can’t perform any tasks that require consumption units unless you continue your subscription.

  • Any consumption units available in your community account can’t be applied to your organization account.

  1. In the header, click the initials icon and select Settings.

  2. Click the Subscription & Billing tab.

  3. On the Commercial plan card, click Try for free.

  4. Click Continue.

  5. Name your organization then click Continue.

  6. (Optional) Invite members to join your organization. Invitees must have an email address not currently tied to another organization.

  7. (Optional) Select Build projects to migrate from your community account to your organization account, then click Next.

    Project migration is a one-way operation. A copy of the project isn’t retained in your community account. You can skip this step and migrate Build projects to your organization account later if needed.

After clicking Let’s go you can get started exploring AI Hub Commercial features. If you opted to migrate Build projects, expect a delay for the migration process to complete before your projects appear in your organization account. You can click away from the page while migration is underway.

What's next
As an organization admin, next steps might include managing organization members or creating shared workspaces.

Starting a commercial subscription


You can start a commercial subscription with or without having completed an AI Hub Commercial trial. If you did start a trial, you can subscribe at any time. However, when you run out of included units in your trial, or after 14 days, your AI Hub Commercial trial ends. You must subscribe to an AI Hub plan to continue using your account.

If you start your subscription before using all units included in your trial, any unused units are forfeited. Trial units don’t carry over as a credit.
  1. In the header, click the initials icon and select Settings.

  2. Click the Subscription & Billing tab.

  3. On the Commercial plan card, click Subscribe.

  4. Fill in your payment information. This card is billed for monthly subscription fees and usage.

  5. Click Subscribe.

If you don’t continue your AI Hub Commercial subscription, you can continue using your community account. Your organization isn’t immediately deleted and you are notified if the organization and its contents are scheduled for deletion. Without a Commercial subscription, you lose access to most features and functionality in your organization account.

Canceling subscriptions

Community & Commercial

You can cancel an AI Hub Community or AI Hub Commercial subscription at any time. When you cancel an AI Hub Commercial subscription, your organization can continue using AI Hub until the end of your current service period. Your service period corresponds to the billing cycle found in your usage settings. Any usage incurred during the remainder of your service period is billed to your payment method at the end of the cycle. When you cancel an AI Hub Community subscription, most AI Hub functionality is disabled, but you can still access your account.

If an account remains inactive and without a subscription for an extended period of time, the account might be deactivated and all resources deleted. Accounts scheduled for deactivation are notified ahead of time.
  1. In the header, click the initials icon and select Settings.

  2. Click the Subscription & Billing tab.

  3. On your active plan card, click Manage subscription.

  4. Select Cancel subscription.

  5. Click Cancel subscription to confirm.

Managing billing

Community accounts and organization admins can manage billing for the subscription plan, including managing payment methods and paying invoices.

Enterprise organizations can connect with Instabase Support for all subscription and billing inquiries.

Updating your payment method

All accounts and organizations must have a saved payment method. You can update your payment method at any time.

  1. In the header, click the initials icon and select Settings.

  2. Click the Subscription & Billing tab.

  3. On your active plan card, click Manage subscription.

  4. Select Change payment method.

  5. Update your payment information.

  6. Click Save.

Paying invoices

Community accounts and organization admins can view and pay invoices in the Billing history table.

  1. In the header, click the initials icon and select Settings.

  2. Click the Subscription & Billing tab.

  3. Locate the invoice in the Billing history table. Unpaid invoices have a status of Pending.

  4. Click the invoice number to open a Stripe checkout page and complete payment.

You can download previous invoices and receipts. Select the invoice in the Billing history table to open the invoice details page in Stripe.

Understanding invoices

While AI Hub aims to keep invoices straightforward, you might have questions about some terms or line items. Review the following definitions and details or reach out to Instabase Support for any questions.

The following information is generally applicable, however terms might differ based on individual purchase agreements.
  • Service period: The start and end date through which usage was tracked for this invoice. Invoices are issued monthly at the end of your service period. Your service period reflects your billing cycle, also visible from your usage settings.

  • Amount due: The sum total of all fees and usage costs incurred during the service period , in USD. Invoices are due immediately upon the Date of issue unless otherwise stated. This amount must be paid on time to avoid disruptions.

    AI Hub uses consumption units to track usage. Consumption units are valued at a rate of 100 units per 1 USD and usage is converted to a billable amount according to this rate. Usage rates are listed in the AI Hub pricing policy.

The following table summarizes some common line items that might appear on your invoice:

Platform feeThe monthly base subscription fee, billed in advance of the next service period. Not applicable to the AI Hub Community tier.The platform fee line item is a payment for the upcoming service period, not the invoice’s service period. For example, for an invoice with a service period of August 15 2024 to September 14 2024, the platform fee billed would cover September 15 2024 to October 14 2024.

While usage fees are billed in-arrears and at the end of your service period, the platform fee line item is billed in advance to avoid any disruptions.
AI Hub ConverseAll costs incurred by queries in Converse, by API or user interface (UI), in the stated service period.Aggregated cost for all queries across all models and modes.
AI Hub ChatbotsAll costs incurred by chatbot queries, by API or UI, in the stated service period.Aggregated cost for all queries across all models and modes.
AI Hub BuildAll costs incurred through Build project development, such as extraction and classification, in the stated service period.Aggregated cost for all fields across all models.
AI Hub BatchAll costs incurred through app runs, by API or UI, in the stated service period.Aggregated cost for all usage across all prebuilt and custom apps, unless the app follows a custom pricing model. If an app uses custom pricing, it’s listed as a separate line item.
Advanced appsAll costs incurred through app runs of advanced apps, by API or UI, in the stated service period.Aggregated cost for all usage across all advanced apps, unless the advanced app follows a custom pricing model. If an app uses custom pricing, it’s listed as a separate line item.
[App name]Standalone line items for all costs incurred through the named app, in the stated service period. Expect one line item per app or advanced app that uses custom pricing.Apps that use custom pricing appear as standalone line items rather than being grouped under the AI Hub Batch or Advanced apps categories. If an app or advanced app has a custom pricing model, it’s specified clearly on the app page or purchase agreement.
While your invoice includes a Quantity column, the quantity is set to 1 regardless of how many consumption units you’ve used for a given line item. Disregard the Quantity column and view the Amount column as listing all costs related to the line item incurred during the stated service period. For detailed usage information, see your usage settings.

Monitoring usage

AI Hub usage is based on consumption units. Consumption rates vary by service, as described in the pricing policy. From the Usage tab of the settings page, you can review your account or organization’s usage.

Usage is displayed as a summary chart that can be grouped by day, week, month, or billing cycle and filtered by date ranges. You can also view detailed usage activity for specific days.

Monthly usage quota


To protect AI Hub Community subscribers from accidental overuse, AI Hub has a default monthly usage quota of $250 (USD) or 25,000 consumption units. AI Hub displays warnings when you’re approaching your monthly quota and you can also monitor your usage on the Usage tab. When you reach the quota, most AI Hub functionality is limited. You can wait until your next billing cycle for the quota to reset or you can submit a quota increase request.

You can submit a quota increase request at any time. Quota increases remain in place unless otherwise requested.

  1. In the header, click the initials icon, then select Settings.

  2. Click the Usage tab.

  3. Click Request quota increase.

  4. Enter a new monthly usage quota amount, in USD. Optionally leave a message about your use case or notes about your request.

  5. Click Submit.

Quota increase requests are processed manually. Expect an email when your request is approved and implemented.

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