Managing organizations

Commercial & Enterprise

Organization admins can manage organization members and control organization settings.

Managing organization members

Admins can invite others to join their Commercial or Enterprise tier organization. All organization members gain access to the organization’s shared consumption units and subscription features.

Adding organization members

Add members to your organization by email invite. There’s no limit to the number of members in an organization.

If the invitee already has an AI Hub account, be aware that each account tied to a given email address can be part of only one organization. If the invitee has only an AI Hub community account, they can still join an organization.
  1. In the header, click the initials icon and select Settings.

  2. Click Members to open the organization members list.

  3. Click Add members.

  4. Enter the email address of the member to invite. To invite multiple members, use a comma-separated list.

  5. Press the Enter or Return key.

  6. Click Add members.

Invitees receive an email with a link they can click to complete sign up. You can see if someone has accepted your invitation by monitoring the Status column of the organization members list. When a member joins your organization, their status changes from Invited to Joined. To resend a member’s invitation, click the overflow icon Icon with three stacked vertical dots. in their row and select Resend invitation email.

What's next

You can start adding members to shared workspaces, either individually or by adding them to groups that have been granted workspace access. You can add members to shared workspaces or groups before they accept your invitation.

You can also adjust members’ roles. All new members have the default Member role, which applies across the organization and is inherited into shared workspaces to which members are added. To learn more about organization and workspace roles and their associated permissions, see Assigning roles.

Removing organization members

Removing an organization member removes them from the organization and any workspaces they have access to.

  1. In the header, click the initials icon and select Settings.

  2. Click Workspaces, then select the workspace.

  3. In the member’s row, click the delete icon Icon of a trash can..

  4. Click Remove.

To remove multiple organization members, select a list of members, then click Actions > Delete members.

Managing preview features

Admins can enable and disable preview features. All members of the organization can see and use enabled preview features. Stability and performance of preview features isn’t guaranteed. If you encounter issues when trying a preview feature, feedback is welcome.

  1. In the header, click the initials icon and select Settings.

  2. Click Members.

  3. Click Manage and select Manage preview features.

  4. Review the list of available features and select any features to enable.

  5. Click Update.

Any enabled preview features are marked with a Preview tag in the UI.

Viewing audit logs


Enterprise-tier organizations with single-tenant environments can request the ability to view audit logs for their environment. Audit logs track different types of member activities. All audit logs contain a certain amount of common information, such as the timestamp of the operation being logged and the user who initiated the operation. Logs typically indicate if the operation was successful, and if not, provide a message describing the failure.

Before you begin

Connect with Instabase Support to request the required access permissions. When enabled, admins can access audit logs from the settings page.

  1. In the header, click the initials icon and select Settings.

  2. Click Members.

  3. Click Manage and select View audit logs.

Audit logs functionality is based on the Instabase Classic platform and doesn’t cover all AI Hub operations and member activities. Logs might include unfamiliar or outdated terminology. For a list of operations and their descriptions, see the Instabase Classic platform audit logs documentation.

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