Managing users

Commercial & Enterprise

Organization admins can invite and manage organization members, manage workspace access, and assign user roles for both the organization and workspace.

Managing organization members

Admins can manage the organization’s members. To add members to your organization:

  1. In the header, click the user initials icon and select Settings.

  2. Select your organization in the side menu.

  3. Click the Add members (person with plus sign) icon.

  4. In the Users field, enter the email address of the user to invite. To invite multiple users, use a comma-separated list.

  5. Press the Enter or Return key.

  6. Click Add members.

Invited users receive an email with a link they can click to complete sign up. Users who accept your invitation automatically join your AI Hub organization and gain access to the organization’s subscription features and shared consumption units. All new members are assigned the default user role but you can later assign other roles with more permissions.

You can see if a user has accepted your invitation by monitoring the Status column of the members list. When a user joins your organization, their status changes from Invited to Joined. To resend an invitation or send an invitation reminder, click the Bell icon in that user’s row of the members list.

Assigning organization-level roles

Admins can assign organization-level roles, including assigning other organization admins. To change a member’s organization-level role:

  1. In the header, click the user initials icon and select Settings.

  2. Select your organization in the side menu.

  3. In the member’s row of the members list, click the Edit icon.

  4. Select a new role from the Role field.

  5. Click Save.

Removing organization members

Removing an organization member removes them from the organization and any workspaces they might have access to. To remove an organization member:

  1. In the header, click the user initials icon and select Settings.

  2. Select the Workspaces tab, then select the workspace from the workspace name dropdown.

  3. In the member’s row of the members list, click the Delete (trash can) icon.

  4. Click Remove.

Managing workspace members

Admins can add organization members to any shared workspace in the organization. Workspace managers can add members to the workspaces they manage. To add members to a shared workspace:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • In the header, click the user initials icon, select Settings > Workspaces, then select the workspace.

    • From Workspaces, select the workspace then click Members to open the members panel.

  2. Click the Add members (person with plus sign) icon.

  3. In either the Managers or Users field, enter the email of users to add to the workspace.

  4. Click Add members.

Assigning workspace-level roles

Admins and workspace managers can assign workspace-level roles, including assigning other workspace managers. To change a member’s workspace-level role:

  1. From Workspaces, select the workspace.

  2. Click Members, then locate the member in the members list.

  3. Click the user role dropdown, then select a new user role.

Or, change a member’s role from the settings page:

  1. In the header, click the user initials icon and select Settings.

  2. Select the Workspaces tab, then select the workspace from the workspace name dropdown.

  3. In the member’s row of the members list, click the Edit icon.

  4. Select a new role from the Role field.

  5. Click Save.

Removing workspace members

When you remove a member from a shared workspace, they lose access to any work they’ve done in that workspace and any projects they might be collaborating on. To remove members from a shared workspace:

  1. From Workspaces, select the workspace.

  2. Click Members, then locate the member in the members list.

  3. Click the user role dropdown, then select Remove access.

  4. Click Confirm.

Or, remove access from the settings page:

  1. In the header, click the user initials icon and select Settings.

  2. Select the Workspaces tab, then select the workspace from the workspace name dropdown.

  3. In the member’s row of the members list, click the Delete (trash can) icon.

  4. Click Confirm.

Organization and workspace roles

Administrative permissions for organization members are managed through user roles. User roles can be assigned at the organization level and at the workspace level, to control administrative access at each level. At the organization level, there are two roles, User and Admin. At the workspace level, there is an additional user role, Manager, which grants workspace-level administrative permissions.

Other notes about each role include:

  • User: This is the default user role for all organization members. This role is inherited through all workspaces to which the user has access.

  • Manager: This role can be assigned only at the workspace level and appears only in a workspace’s members list. At the organization level, workspace managers appear as users. Workspace managers’ permissions are limited to the workspace in which they’re assigned.

  • Admin: This role can be assigned only at the organization level, but is inherited into all workspaces. Admins can’t be removed from shared workspaces. The first organization admin is either assigned when your organization was created or is the user who created the organization.

See the following table for a summary of user roles and their administrative permissions:

Administrative taskUserWorkspace ManagerAdmin
Access all organization workspaces.
Create, manage, and delete shared workspaces, including assigning the first workspace manager.
Connect, edit, and delete organization drives.
Set the organization default drive.
Connect, edit, and delete workspace drives.If a member of that workspaceIf a member of that workspaceAll workspaces
Set the workspace default drive.
Add and remove organization members, including assigning organization-level roles.
Add and remove workspace members, including assigning workspace-level roles.In their managed workspace onlyAll workspaces
View usage details.
View and manage the organization’s subscription and billing, including invoices.
Because organization admins have such wide-ranging permissions, minimize the number of admins. Instead, assign workspace managers at the workspace level and limit organization-wide administrative access to only those who need it.
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