Converse by SDK

The conversations endpoint lets you chat with documents programmatically instead of using the graphical interface. You can create a new Converse conversation, upload files to the conversation, and converse with your uploaded files.

This guide explains how to access the conversations endpoint with the Python SDK. All code snippets are also presented at the end of this guide as a complete script. Use that as a model when writing your own scripts to have conversations with documents.

Before you begin

Learn about the API and SDK and install the SDK.


Import modules and initialize the API client

Import key Python modules.

1import time
3from aihub import AIHub

Initialize a client that lets you interact with the AI Hub API through Python objects and methods.

1# initialize the SDK client
2client = AIHub(api_root=<API-ROOT>,
3 api_key=<API-TOKEN>,
4 ib_context=<IB-CONTEXT>)

Parameter reference

api_rootstrNoThe root URL of your AI Hub API.

For community accounts
• Omit setting api_root.

For organization accounts
• If your organization has a custom AI Hub domain, use your organization’s root API URL, such as
• If your organization doesn’t have a custom AI Hub domain, omit setting api_root.
api_keystrYesYour API token.
ib_contextstrNo, but recommendedThe value for the IB-Context header that the SDK includes with all API requests.

For community accounts
• Omit setting ib_context.

For commercial accounts
• To use your personal account, set to your user ID.
• To use your organization account, set to your organization ID.
If ib_context isn’t explicitly set, requests use consumption units from your community account.

Create a conversation and upload files

Create a conversation and upload files to it with one method call.

1# create conversation and upload files to it
2conversation = client.conversations.create(
3 name=<NAME>,
4 description=<DESCRIPTION>,
5 org=<ORGANIZATION-ID>, # optional for community accounts
6 workspace=<WORKSPACE>, # optional for community accounts
7 files=[<PATH/TO/FILE1>, <PATH/TO/FILE2>])

Parameter reference

namestrYesName of the conversation.Passport analysis
descriptionstrYesDescription of the conversation.ask questions about passport contents
orgstrNoDefault value uses consumption units from the community account associated with your username.
Setting org to the ID of an organization associated with your username uses consumption units from that organization.
Dept of Border Control
workspacestrRequired for organization accounts, otherwise optionalName of the workspace to create the conversation in. For organization members, your personal workspace name is your user ID.Production
fileslist[str]YesPaths to local files to upload to the conversation. To add multiple documents to the conversation, use a separate path for each document. All paths are collected in a list, even if there’s only one path.['docs/passport1.pdf']

See the conversations endpoint for more supported parameters and information, including instructions for enabling object detection.

Files uploaded to a conversation have these limitations:

  • Each document can be up to 50 MB and up to 800 pages.

  • Each request can upload up to 100 MB worth of documents.

  • A conversation can have up to 100 uploaded documents.

  • Certain file types are supported.

The client.conversations.create() method performs several tasks.

  1. Create the conversation in the specified workspace.

  2. Upload files to the conversation.

  3. Digitize and index the files.

  4. Return the conversation ID, conversation name, and upload status as a JSON object. For example:

2 "id": "f2ef9702-b018-4a45-9b2e-d1fb575b42ed",
3 "name": "Conversation 2023-08-23 11:40:30.669832",
4 "upload_status": {
5 "success": [
6 {
7 "name": "img.pdf"
8 },
9 {
10 "name": "file.pdf"
11 }
12 ],
13 "failure": []
14 }

Response schema

When the JSON object is converted into a Python dictionary, it has this schema.

KeyPython typeDescription
idstrunique identifier for the conversation
namestrname of the conversation
upload_statusobjectinformation about file upload statuses
upload_status.failurelist[object]information about files that failed to upload
upload_status.successlist[object]information about uploaded files
upload_status.failure[i]objectinformation about a single failed file upload
upload_status.success[i]objectinformation about a single uploaded file
upload_status.failure[i].namestrname of a failed file upload
upload_status.success[i].namestrname of an uploaded file

Notes about the schema

  • i in [i] represents any valid array index, such as 0, 1, or 2.

  • Array indices are zero-based, so upload_status.success[2].name gives the name of the third file uploaded.

  • .id, .name, and .upload_status.success[i].name are the most commonly used fields.


Check document processing state

Repeatedly check the state of document processing until it’s COMPLETE.

1# wait for the conversation to finish processing the documents
2status = client.conversations.status(
3while status.state == 'RUNNING':
4 time.sleep(5) # polling interval in seconds
5 status = client.conversations.status(

client.conversations.status() returns a JSON object with information about the conversation and its document upload and processing status. For example:

2 "id": "f2ef9702-b018-4a45-9b2e-d1fb575b42ed",
3 "name": "Conversation 2023-08-23 11:40:30.669832",
4 "description": "",
5 "documents": [
6 {
7 "id": 15,
8 "name": "file.pdf"
9 },
10 {
11 "id": 16,
12 "name": "img.pdf"
13 }
14 ],
15 "state": "COMPLETE",
16 "status": "Documents Processed"

Response schema

When the JSON object is converted into a Python dictionary, it has this schema.

descriptionstrdescription of the conversation you provided when creating it
documentslist[object]list of the conversation’s documents that have been both uploaded and processed
documents[i].idintID of a single uploaded document. Use the ID when conversing with a document to specify which documents to query.
documents[i].namestrname of a single uploaded document
idstrID of the conversation
namestrname of the conversation you provided when creating it
statestrstate of the conversation’s document processing stage:
- COMPLETE: ready to converse with the documents
- FAILED: unable to process some uploaded files
- RUNNING: still processing uploaded files

Notes about the object schema

  • i in [i] represents any valid array index, such as 0, 1, or 2.

  • Array indices are zero-based, so documents[2].name gives the name of the third file uploaded.


Converse with a document

When the document processing state is COMPLETE, all documents are processed and the conversation is ready to accept prompts to one or more uploaded documents.

The SDK officially supports queries directed at a single document only.

However, queries directed at multiple documents (like the example shown here) often work as expected.

If you see errors or timeouts while sending a query to multiple documents, make separate queries to each document instead.

1# send prompt and get answer
2answer = client.conversations.converse(,
3 question=<QUESTION>,
4 document_ids=<DOCUMENT-IDS>,
5 mode=<MODE>) # optional
6print(f'Answer: {answer.answer}')

Parameter reference

questionstrYesAn input prompt. The prompt can include any question supported by Converse, except for requests for graphs.What countries are these passports from?
document_idslist[str]YesOne or more documents to send the prompt to. Must be a list, even if it specifies only one document ID.[status.documents[0].id, status.documents[1].id]
modestrNoThe model to use when answering the question. Valid values:
- default: the standard model
- advanced: the slower, more expensive advanced model
If omitted, the standard model is used.
See Choosing a model for details about each model.
The multistep model isn’t supported for API queries.

After the script sends the prompt to your conversation, AI Hub returns a JSON object. For example:

2 "prompt_id": "5b7057f8e3a04cc3a68e092bef78927e",
3 "answer": "Both passports are from Indonesia."

Response schema

When the JSON object is converted into a Python dictionary, it has this schema.

KeyPython typeDescriptionExample
answerstrresponse to the questionBoth passports are from Indonesia.
prompt_idstrID for the question submitted5b7057f8e3a04cc3a68e092bef78927e

Complete script

This script combines all the snippets from above and contains all the code needed to converse with documents using the SDK.

The script performs these tasks:

  1. Import modules and Initialize the API client.

  2. Create a conversation and upload documents to the conversation.

  3. Check the processing status of the uploaded files.

  4. When processing is complete, send a prompt that draws on information from both documents.

  5. Print the answer.

1import time
3from aihub import AIHub
5# initialize the SDK client
6client = AIHub(api_root=<API-ROOT>,
7 api_key=<API-TOKEN>,
8 ib_context=<IB-CONTEXT>)
10# create conversation and upload files to it
11conversation = client.conversations.create(
12 name=<NAME>,
13 description=<DESCRIPTION>,
14 org=<ORGANIZATION-ID>, # optional for community accounts
15 workspace=<WORKSPACE>, # optional for community accounts
16 files=[<PATH/TO/FILE1>, <PATH/TO/FILE2>])
18# wait for the conversation to finish processing the documents
19status = client.conversations.status(
20while status.state == 'RUNNING':
21 time.sleep(5) # polling interval in seconds
22 status = client.conversations.status(
24# send prompt and get answer
25answer = client.conversations.converse(,
26 question=<QUESTION>,
27 document_ids=<DOCUMENT-IDS>,
28 mode=<MODE>) # optional
29print(f'Answer: {answer.answer}')

Parameter reference

This table describes all placeholders in the complete script that can or must be defined.

api_rootstrNoThe root URL of your AI Hub API.

For community accounts
• Omit setting api_root.

For organization accounts
• If your organization has a custom AI Hub domain, use your organization’s root API URL, such as
• If your organization doesn’t have a custom AI Hub domain, omit setting api_root.
api_keystrYesYour API token.
ib_contextstrNo, but recommendedThe value for the IB-Context header that the SDK includes with all API requests.

For community accounts
• Omit setting ib_context.

For commercial accounts
• To use your personal account, set to your user ID.
• To use your organization account, set to your organization ID.
If ib_context isn’t explicitly set, requests use consumption units from your community account.
namestrYesName of the conversation.
descriptionstrYesDescription of the conversation.
orgstrNoDefault value uses consumption units from the community account associated with your username.
Setting org to the ID of an organization associated with your username uses consumption units from that organization.
workspacestrRequired for organization accounts, otherwise optionalName of the workspace to create the conversation in. For organization members, your personal workspace name is your user ID.
fileslist[str]YesPaths to local files to upload to the conversation. To add multiple documents to the conversation, use a separate path for each document. All paths are collected in a list, even if there’s only one path.
document_idslist[str]YesOne or more documents to send the prompt to. Must be a list, even if it specifies only one document ID.
questionstrYesAn input prompt. The prompt can include any question supported by Converse, except for requests for graphs.
modestrNoThe model to use when answering the question. Valid values:
- default: the standard model
- advanced: the slower, more expensive advanced model
If omitted, the standard model is used.
See Choosing a model for details about each model.
The multistep model isn’t supported for API queries.