Run app


Run an app by its name or app ID. The input for the run can be a batch ID or an input file path.

To run deployments by API, use the Run deployment endpoint.

Any specified input or output is validated against the context set by the IB-Context header. For example, if the context is set to your community account, but the batch ID used as input for the run is stored in your organization, the call fails.



Specify whether to use your community account or organization account to complete the request. To use your community account, define as your user ID. To use your organization account, define as your organization ID. If unspecified, defaults to community account context. See Authorization and context identification for details.


This endpoint expects an object.

Required unless using app_id. The name of the AI Hub app to run.


Required unless using app_name. The app ID of the AI Hub app to run.

You can find an app ID in the app URL, such as

The account that generated the app. If not specified, defaults to your AI Hub username.

For custom AI Hub apps belonging to you, accept the default. For public AI Hub apps published by Instabase, specify instabase.


Required unless using input_dir. The batch ID of a batch created with the Batches endpoint. All files uploaded to the batch are used as input for the run.


Required unless using batch_id. The path of the input folder in a connected drive or Instabase Drive. See Specifying file paths.


Version of the app to use. If not specified, defaults to the latest production version.


The workspace in which to run the app. The output is saved to the default drive of the specified workspace. If not defined, the default is:

  • Community accounts: Runs in and saves to the personal workspace’s Instabase Drive (<USER-ID>/my-repo/Instabase Drive).

  • Organization accounts: Runs in and saves to the organization’s default drive (<ORGANIZATION-ID>/<USER-ID>/<default-drive>).


Defines a specific location for the output to be saved in a connected drive or Instabase Drive. If defined, overrides the output_workspace value. See Specifying file paths.


JSON object containing settings for the app run.


Run started successfully.


Run ID of the run.


Status of the run.


When the run started, in Unix time.


When the run finished, in Unix time. null if run is still in progress.


Message about the run.